Standard I-O Functions and Statements Printing text on the screen --------------------------- PRINT Outputs text to the screen. Using PRINT with no arguments creates a blank line. PRINT USING Outputs formatted text to the screen. Changing the width of the output line ------------------------------------- WIDTH Changes the width of the screen to either 40 columns or 80 columns. Also, on computers with an EGA or VGA, controls the number of lines on the screen (25 or 43). WIDTH "SCRN." Assigns a maximum length to lines output to the screen when used before an OPEN "SCRN." statement. Getting input from the keyboard ------------------------------- INKEY$ Reads a character from the keyboard (or a null string if no character is waiting). INPUT$ Reads a specified number of characters from the keyboard and stores them in a single string variable. INPUT Reads input from the keyboard and stores it in a list of variables. LINE INPUT Reads a line of input from the keyboard and stores it in a single string variable. Positioning the cursor on the screen ------------------------------------ LOCATE Moves the cursor to a specified row and column. Also sets cursor size and turns it on and off. SPC Skips a specified number of spaces in printed output. TAB Displays printed output in a given column. Getting information on cursor location -------------------------------------- CSRLIN Tells which row or line position the cursor is in. POS(n) Tells which column the cursor is in. Creating a text viewport ------------------------ VIEW PRINT Sets the top and bottom rows for displaying text output.